Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Week 6- Antonio Flores/ Girl by Daisy

contact sheets:

top 10 (uuuh ... 14.... )-:

I have the song on my phone if y'all wanna listen and also I tried editing which is something I've never done so like let me know if I did okay and give me some tips tbh 


  1. The compositions of the mannequin and the model work really well! The positioning of the eighth one is really interesting, and the subjects work well for the song choice. However, it would be good to try to add more compositional elements, like the ones we talked about in class (maybe take the subject outside to take pictures?). Other than that, good job!!

  2. I think your shots are well executed, and the editing was well done; however, I think you should of an included more diverse angles, and compositional elements that we discussed in class to add to your overall compositions. Your shots are very interesting to me, and I agree with Hannah, maybe taking the subject to different locations and changing the setting may augment the strength of these comps. Overall, well done

  3. The elements that I can easily recognize are symmetry and maybe contrast in some of them. I agree with what Hannah said up above me! I think it also would have been super cool to play with light quality because the mannequin and you both have very subtle contours in your body. See the light bring out those contours would have been interesting. Regardless, I think you did a great job spotlighting both yourself and the mannequin by keeping the photos very simple and clean.

  4. I think the last photo is so cool because although it doesnt scream quality of light there is because your lighter than the mannequin and it allows the eye to start at you and lead the right. Also the image where its the back of the head is great because its symmetry and the contrast between your hair and the mannequin isn't the only contrast it also contrast with the wall.

  5. These photos are very intriguing - this series is successful and your use of symmetry is well done. The photos in which you position yourself behind the mannequin are also really interesting. Great shoot overall!

  6. The 8th photo really stood out to me in that it seems to touch on the conventions of womanhood or maybe what makes a woman and changing those conventions. Also, there's this idea of natural vs synthetic when pairing the true body and a mannequin. Also, the 10th photo (similar composition) has a strong sense of symmetry, and overall I think this photo shoot was successful.

  7. Such interesting juxtaposition and symmetry going on simultaneously. It would be interesting to play with depth of field in relation to the figure and the mannequin.

  8. You used great symmetry in some of your photos. Next week I would focus more on some other compositional elements.

  9. What really makes this photo set works is the simplicity of the background. It allows for the forms of the mannequin and the figure to contrast each other without obstruction.

  10. WOW! first photo by far was amazing. You did an excellent job in isolating the subject(s) in this shoot. 3rd to last is intriguing, I like that the figure is directly in the middle, i think you could've edited it to contrast the white backround from the action going on in the front, but s

  11. Luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ¡¡!!¡!! You did a great job at creating several well balanced/symmetrical images. I think that you just need to work on editing down your choices and trust that you can tell your story just as well with less images as it can sometimes feel repetitive with more photos (ex. I don’t think that you necessarily need the first image as I think the second photo captures the same effect but in a more successful way). I think that you could’ve used some more contrast in these as well. Most of these seem to lack both a true white/black which I think could have taken these photos to some next level stuff. A1 work though


Sarah Leal - week 13

Couldn't shoot with my DSLR this week sorry for the low q :( but I tried experimenting with lighting for the precursor to my ...