Tuesday, February 27, 2018

An Vuong Week 7: Scared and coughing portable mirrors at The Spot


  1. There's a very enticing geometry going on in the third photo, with the light casting in from the window, and the 'coughing' mirror in the center of the photo receiving this light. In the eighth photo there's a successful sense of depth created by the oncoming food tray, and how the mirrors are positioned behind it.

  2. I really enjoy the perspective in the fourth photo. Also, your use of creating facial expressions on the mirrors was very effective in communicating your prompt!

  3. lovvveeeee!! your angles work really well, and the depths of field on your last one and your eighth one are really interesting and make your eyes go right to the subject!

  4. The 5th photo is interesting as you mask the subject and make it harder to see. The 6th photo does a great job of capturing all the aspects of this weeks shoot. Great job in finding a creative way to execute the compositions without actually coughing on people.

  5. adding the face made it so convincing I like how you personified them and used different angles to push your prompt.

  6. Image 4 is my favorite! It truly embodies the coughing/scared and idea of isolationism in the composition.

  7. These tell such a narrative, love how you took the time to compose these into a story and they turned out great!!! Very interesting compositions, and I really enjoy the fourth image. Angles worked, and it really captured your prompt.

  8. you were really creative with this shoot and i appreciate how you humanized the mirrors in order to tell a narrative similar to last week. your 3rd photo is my favorite, i love the lighting (especially on the mirror itself) and the reflections through the window of the dudez with their shirts tucked into their probably khaki pants. great job!

  9. Great use of different angles and varying perspectives! The lighting in your photos is also really successful and I love your creativity.

  10. what a qt patootie !! You did a nice job at trying to use as many angles as possible to tell a full story and its successful. Because of your many angles, it doesn't feel like were on the same table the entire time which is super great. The only thing I would recommend is adding some contrast into your 4th and 5th photo by editing lil qt to be a bit different from his background. portfolio ready tbh


Sarah Leal - week 13

Couldn't shoot with my DSLR this week sorry for the low q :( but I tried experimenting with lighting for the precursor to my ...