Wednesday, April 11, 2018

week 13 marci p


  1. The cracked mirror adds a lot of interest to your pictures! To me, the most successful one is the last one, but I would bump up the contrast a bit more to add more variance between her skin and the dark. Also, if you use this for Florida stories, I would burn the bottom left corner to focus in more on the subject. Be careful of your ISO settings in the ninth picture, it's very noisy. really good pictures!

  2. Marcella, excellent use of the cracked mirror. The fracturing adds so much interest to the compositions. your model is captured well, but now I would work on having her doing something in each photograph. The question Ii ask myself when looking at these is, what is happening?? I think you can also start using some experimental techniques either in camera or in post to further abstract and add drama to your images.

  3. The cracked mirror created distorted perceptions of the model which did indeed make the photos more exciting to look at. I'm fully aware that your 9th shot is grainy but I actually don't mind it. For me, it adds an old-timey, nostalgic feel to the photo. Grain is kind of a difficult thing because usually it indicates that you didn't have sufficient lighting for the shot. However, I know of plenty of photographers who will purposely add more grain to the photo when they edit.... So I'm not quite sure when the proper time to use it would be. You might have to do more research on that one if you're interested in utilizing it.

  4. Although these are all visually intriguing due to the use of the cracked mirror, the last photo is the most interesting to me in terms of concept. The model's expression is haunting and she is looking directly at herself through the cracked mirror - it leaves me curious about the narrative. Good work!

  5. I think there's an interesting story that could arise from the cracked mirror and the model within it. Maybe it starts with her smashing the mirror and then travels through her going through the pieces and reflecting on herself. The idea of the cracked glass is interesting as it represents a disruption, think about how you may want to use that.

  6. the last image is outstanding. I think you have a good foundation for a strong story. try positioning the modeling and mirror in interesting ways to really pull the story forward. Use the cracks in the mirror as leading lines and interesting compositions!

  7. I think the idea of a brojen mirror is so cool? Maybe the bad luck that ensues? MAybe her cracked self image? Maybe the incident that led to it's breaking, and the symbolism of the shattering of reality? SO many options. That being said. some of these images are really strong. 2, 3 and 10 are my favorite.

  8. These are wicked gorgeous. The lack of personality and sense of emptiness with the facial posing is really beautiful and could possibly be further driven by juxtaposing with some images that have a more intense energy matching with the energy of the cracked mirror. By juxtaposing with more intense images, it would also help create a storyline (like something that caused the mirror to crack and ultimately led to the emptiness being portrayed in these images).

  9. these angles are super elegant and mystifying, very in love with the duplicate and fractured portrayals of discontent like your 11th and 12th, although your 3rd is my favorite. the patch of texture and subtle shadow and light create a snuffed out gothic feel to it. your first photo could use a little toning down of the whites in the crack and probably a little more focus to make it more significant rather than obnoxious. overall im very impressed with your photos this week

  10. The first and third photos compell me the most, as the first used the reflected light very well to add sharp forms into the composition and the slightly split face is disruptive in an interesting way. The third photo produces this dark and provocative mood prevelant in most of the set, more so than the rest because of the abstraction of the face and the focus on the lips.

  11. Great use of different angles this week in your photos. The broken mirror image is very well shot. The quality of light is very strong.


Sarah Leal - week 13

Couldn't shoot with my DSLR this week sorry for the low q :( but I tried experimenting with lighting for the precursor to my ...